Frameworks & Funding

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Just Published via our TA Network partnership!

In conjunction with The Technical Assistance Network for Children’s Behavioral Health we published and disseminated two papers (Bertram, Kerns, Bernstein, Marsenich, Mettrick, Kanary, & Choi, 2015).

We are presenting a national webinar on these topics in 2016 via TA Network.

Federal, state, and foundation funding sources increasingly mandate the use of evidence-based practices (EBPs). For example, the Families First Act sponsored by Orin Hatch (R-Utah) has bi-partisan support and once passed will require any service provider receiving Title IV-E funds to implement evidence-informed practices.

However, confusion and uncertainty limit response to these mandates in systems of care. These two papers briefly present fundamental facts, the rationale for using EBPs within behavioral health service systems, funding strategies and implementation considerations.

The first paper clarifies definitions and addresses common misconceptions about EBPs.

The second paper addresses the implementation factors that support, or if not well-considered, will adversely affect EBP outcomes.

Together, these papers offer examples, strategies, frameworks and tools for selecting, funding, implementing, improving, and sustaining evidence-based and promising practices within systems of care.

Evidence-Informed Practice in Systems of Care:
Frameworks and Funding for Effective Services

Organizations adopting an evidence-based, research-based, or promising practice must systematically support its implementation.

When actively applied, three frameworks identified by the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) support effective service delivery: intervention components, implementation drivers, and stages of implementation (Bertram, Blase, & Fixen, 2015; Fixsen, et al., 2005).

In this paper, we briefly review these frameworks, and offer examples from two states, California and New Mexico, that integrated and financed evidence based practices.

Click here to download the article!

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Evidence-Informed Practice in Systems of Care:   

Misconceptions and Facts

Frameworks and Funding for Effectives Services

(Bertram, Kerns, Kanary, Marsenich, & Bernstein, 2016)

This 60 minute webinar challenges misconceptions with facts about evidence-based practice. It presents both rationale and examples for using evidence-based practice in behavioral health service systems, including funding strategies and implementation factors to support effective service delivery