EBP in Academic Curricula

From here the dropdown menus will take you through a decade of research, publications and webinars that explored academic preparation for evidence-based practice.

  1. EBP Readiness offers access to Melanie Barwick’s study of the EBP readiness of recent graduates.
  2. EBP in MSW Curricula offers access to a Consortium study of North American MSW curricula and introduces our subsequent Janus series of webinars developed with faculty from several universities.
  3. Webinars offers an overview of the four webinars in that series.
  4. Misconceptions and Facts offers access to the first webinar which presented findings from the Consortium study of Evidence Based Practice in North American MSW Curricula and it addressed common misconceptions and facts in the literature and evident in that study’s results.
  5. Integrating Evidence Based Practice in MSW Curricula presents how four universities do so.
  6. Finding the Fit presents syllabi and assignments from courses developed by three universities.
  7. Field Learning presents transformations made in three universities to integrate implementation science and/or evidence-based practice into MSW field learning focus, formats and activities.
  8. EBPs in MFT Study presents the Consortium’s entire study of the extent to which evidence-based practice is taught in Masters level Marriage and Family Therapy programs. This study later appeared in a Journal of Family Social Work article that compared its findings with findings from the EBPs in MSW curricula study.

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